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Visionary Eye Center

Summer is winding down, and school is in full swing! It’s time for children to refocus their attention from summertime fun back to books and the white board. For some kids, that’s easier said than done. As a highly-rated pediatric optometrist, Reno has come to love, Visionary Eye Care Center can examine and help alleviate common conditions associated with classroom vision.

Pediatric Optometrist Reno

There’s No Substitute for a Comprehensive Eye Exam

A comprehensive pediatric eye exam should be right at the top with pencils and paper on any back-to-school checklist. While your child may have visited their pediatrician or school nurse and had their vision screened, these exams are not comprehensive. Screenings can sometimes reveal potential conditions, but are not meant to diagnose vision problems.

A child's vision can change rapidly and sporadically from ages 6 to 18. Left unchecked, vision conditions can:

Myopia: Clearing up Blurry Facts

One of the most common vision conditions optometrists encounter in children is nearsightedness. The medical term for this is Myopia. Myopia occurs when the eye’s shape becomes elongated, distorting the image of far away objects (the whiteboard, sports balls, or friends on the playground), while nearby objects remain clear. It’s recommended to ask your child whether they are having trouble focusing on letters and numbers at the front of the class. If the answer is ‘yes’, it’s time to get them into the optometrist Reno, NV trusts in order to diagnose the cause and get them back to learning at their greatest potential. The sooner it’s diagnosed, the sooner that treatment can administrated.

If your child already wears glasses to treat the effects of myopia, there are options to slow its progression. We want to emphasize that under-correction, or giving your child a slightly lower prescription to “strengthen” the eyes will not help with myopia. This approach will only make them see things blurrier, and has been clinically disproved as a treatment. In order to help with myopia control, an optometrist will recommend one of the following methods:


Visit Visionary Eye Care Center for a Back to School Checkup

Even if your child has not explicitly said that their vision is blurry when looking at the board, it’s never a bad idea to have it checked. Comprehensive eye exams can identify potential anomalies that screenings glance over. To diagnose and alleviate conditions like myopia, we encourage you to book an appointment with our knowledgeable practice. We’ll see you here, bright and clear!

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