Visionary Eye Center

Understanding the Importance of Regular Eye Exams for Eye Health

Regular eye exams are a cornerstone of maintaining not just good vision but also overall health. At Visionary Eye Center in Reno, we understand that eye health is a critical aspect of your overall wellness. This article aims to shed light on why regular eye exams are essential for people of all ages and how they can help you make informed decisions about your eye care.

Early Detection of Eye Conditions

It's often said that prevention is better than cure, and this is particularly true for eye health. Many eye conditions, such as glaucoma and macular degeneration, develop silently, showing no noticeable symptoms in their initial stages. Regular eye exams are crucial in catching these conditions early. At Visionary Eye Center, our thorough eye exams are designed to identify such issues before they progress and cause irreversible damage. Early detection means early treatment, significantly improving the chances of preserving your vision and health.

The Silent Progression of Eye Diseases

Understanding the silent nature of many eye diseases underscores the importance of regular check-ups. Conditions like glaucoma, often referred to as the “silent thief of sight,” can progress unnoticed. By the time symptoms become apparent, significant vision loss may have already occurred. Routine eye exams can detect these conditions when they are most treatable.

Vision Changes Over Time

Our eyesight changes as we age, making regular eye exams essential. These exams ensure that any changes in your vision are identified promptly. Whether you need a new prescription for your glasses or adjustments to your current eyewear, regular eye checks help keep your vision sharp and clear. At Visionary Eye Center, we can guide you through these changes, ensuring your vision needs are met at every stage of life.

Adapting to Vision Changes

As you age, you might notice changes in your vision. Maybe you're struggling to read fine print, or distant objects aren't as clear as they used to be. Regular eye exams allow us to track these changes and adjust your prescription, ensuring optimal vision and comfort.

Eye Health Reflects Overall Health

Did you know that an eye exam can reveal much more than just eye-related issues? Your eyes are windows to your overall health, providing clues about systemic diseases like diabetes or hypertension. The blood vessels and nerves in your eyes can show signs of these conditions, often before other symptoms appear. Regular eye exams at Visionary Eye Center can therefore play a critical role in your overall health management.

Eyes: A Gateway to Detecting Health Issues

The comprehensive eye exams at Visionary Eye Center can detect signs of diabetes, high blood pressure, and even cholesterol issues. This makes eye exams an integral part of your healthcare routine, offering insights that go beyond vision care.

Children's Vision and Academic Performance

For children, vision is closely linked to learning and social development. Regular eye exams are vital in ensuring that children have the visual tools they need to succeed in school and life. Vision problems can significantly impact a child’s academic performance, so catching and correcting these issues early is crucial.

Supporting Children's Development Through Vision Care

Eye exams for children at Visionary Eye Center are about more than just checking for glasses. They're about ensuring that each child has a solid foundation for development and learning. Regular exams can help identify issues that might impede a child’s ability to read, learn, and engage in activities, setting them up for success from a young age.

We encourage you to prioritize your eye health by scheduling regular eye exams at Visionary Eye Center. These exams are a critical step in maintaining not only your vision but also your overall health. If it's time for an updated prescription or you're interested in exploring new eyewear options, our team is here to assist you. Remember, taking care of your eyes is taking care of your future.

Navigating Everyday Eye Challenges

Your eyes are windows to the world, but they can also be sources of discomfort and concern. In Reno, where the climate and lifestyle can impact eye health, understanding how to manage common eye problems is crucial. Visionary Eye Center, a leading group of Reno eye doctors, offers practical advice for dealing with issues like dry eyes, red eyes, and eye infections.

Understanding and Managing Dry Eyes

Eye doctor equipment

The Causes of Dry Eyes

Dry eyes can result from environmental factors like Reno's dry air, certain medications, age-related changes, and prolonged contact lens use. Recognizable by a gritty feeling, burning sensation, and temporary blurred vision, dry eyes are more than just an annoyance.

Effective Management Strategies

Combatting dry eyes involves a combination of using lubricating eye drops and avoiding conditions that exacerbate the issue. Regular breaks from screen time, staying hydrated, and using a humidifier can also help.

Combatting Red Eyes

Eye doctor

Common Causes and Preventative Measures

Red eyes can stem from allergies, eye strain, or more serious conditions like infections. Keeping your hands clean, avoiding eye-straining activities, and using appropriate eye protection are key preventative steps.

Alleviating Symptoms

For temporary relief, cool compresses and proper eyelid hygiene can be effective. However, persistent red eyes may indicate an underlying issue that requires professional attention.

Tackling Eye Infections

Identifying and Treating Infections

Eye infections, caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi, often present symptoms like redness, pain, discharge, and light sensitivity. Treatments vary but typically include medicated eye drops or ointments. For contact lens wearers, maintaining good hygiene is crucial for prevention.

Importance of Professional Care

Persistent, worsening, or severe symptoms warrant a visit to an eye care professional. Delaying proper care can lead to complications and should be avoided.

When to Consult a Reno Eye Doctor

Persistent or severe eye problems should prompt a visit to an eye care professional. Self-diagnosis and treatment can delay effective care and potentially lead to complications. Visionary Eye Center in Reno offers expert care for various eye conditions and can provide tailored solutions for your eye health needs.

Navigating Through Vision Correction Alternatives

When it comes to vision correction in Reno, LASIK surgery is a widely known option. However, it's not the only path to clearer vision. For those who may not be ideal candidates for LASIK, there are several effective alternatives. Visionary Eye Center in Reno offers insights into choosing the right LASIK alternative based on individual vision needs.

Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) for Thin Corneas

ICL, a suitable option for individuals with thin corneas or chronic dry eye, involves placing a thin lens within the eye. This 20-minute procedure per eye is known for minimal side effects, although recovery can span several months.

ICL is not just a short-term solution. It offers long-lasting vision correction, making it a worthwhile consideration for those ineligible for LASIK.

PRK - A Reliable Alternative

Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) reshapes the cornea by removing its outer layers. It's a preferred choice for those with thin corneas who can't undergo LASIK. While the recovery from PRK can be longer and more uncomfortable, it's highly effective, especially for athletes or pilots.

The post-PRK recovery period may involve more discomfort compared to LASIK, but the outcomes in terms of vision correction are commendable.

RLE for Presbyopia and High Prescriptions

Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE) replaces the eye's natural lens with a synthetic one. It's particularly beneficial for those over 40, addressing presbyopia and early cataracts. RLE suits individuals with strong prescriptions not correctable by LASIK.

RLE not only corrects vision but also prevents the future development of cataracts, offering a dual benefit for aging eyes.

LASEK for Thin or Flat Corneas

LASEK surgery, similar to LASIK and PRK, is recommended for people with thin or flat corneas. The recovery period can be prolonged, with potential side effects like dry eyes and light sensitivity. Choosing between LASIK, PRK, and LASEK depends on individual eye structure, lifestyle, and vision goals.

Consulting with Vision Experts

After exploring these alternatives, it's crucial to consult with eye care professionals to determine the most suitable option. At Visionary Eye Center, we assess your specific vision correction needs to recommend the best procedure.

Personalized Eye Care in Reno

We invite you to visit Visionary Eye Center in Reno to explore these LASIK alternatives. Our team is dedicated to providing personalized care, ensuring you receive the best treatment for your unique vision needs.

 It’s pretty painful to get a sunburn after missing a spot on your skin with sunscreen. Just imagine how a corneal sunburn would affect your quality of life during some of the best weather of the year. Also known as photokeratitis, this issue occurs during short-term exposure to high intensity UV-B rays. Photokeratitis is painful but temporary and is similar to a sunburn, but on your corneas (the clear portion of your eye in front of your pupil) instead of skin. It can look like a yellow, thickened area in the whites of your eyes. Too much exposure with ultraviolet rays can temporarily damage your conjunctiva, which is the clear layer of tissue covering the inside of your eyelid and whites of your eye. 

Summertime activities that can put someone at increased risk for photokeratitis include mountain climbing, hiking, skiing, and swimming. It can also occur if you use sunlamps and tanning beds, or spend time in an environment with consistent UV light exposure.

There are two types of UV light proven to contribute to eye, skin, or health issues. UV-A rays can pass through your eye’s cornea to reach the lens and retina. UV-B rays can’t pass through glass but still can cause eye damage.

The symptoms of photokeratitis are pain and redness in the eyes, swelling, light sensitivity, headaches, temporary loss of vision, twitching eyelids, and seeing halos (like in the photo below). They can last from six to twenty-four hours but typically disappear after forty-eight hours. 

What Does Treatment Look Like?

Photokeratitis is most often formally diagnosed after an eye exam, and your doctor will place drops containing a special dye known as fluorescein in your eyes to reveal any superficial irregularities on the surface of your cornea. As for treatment, go indoors immediately after experiencing symptoms and avoid bright lights. Once in a darkened area, place a cold washcloth over your eyes and take ibuprofen. If you wear contact lenses, remove them and use artificial tears to reduce discomfort.

The longer you were exposed to UV lights, the more severe the symptoms. Long term exposure to even the tiniest amount of UV radiation can increase the risk of developing a cataract or macular degeneration (an eye disease that leads to vision loss in the center), or cause tissue elevations on the surface. These conditions are known as pinguecula and pterygium, but can be prevented by wearing sunglasses. 

If you wear contacts, ask about ones that absorb UV rays when working or playing in a sunny environment. But even with these types of contacts it’s still important to wear protective sunglasses to shield your eyelids and conjunctiva from the suns’ rays. 


The good news is that photokeratitis is preventable simply by wearing the proper eye protection when outside, like prescription sunglasses or snow goggles in the winter. Glare from snow, sand, or water can cause burns to your eyes even if it’s overcast. A wide brimmed hat can help filter out the sun’s rays as well. 

When purchasing a pair of sunglasses, it’s worth noting that not all sunglasses are polarized. Polarized sunglasses are manufactured in a distinctive way that creates a different pattern in the lens to block out more light than a usual pair of sunglasses. When choosing a pair, look for one that provides one hundred percent UV protection or UV 400 protection. Prescription sunglasses help with overall light sensitivity, headaches caused by glare, and regular eye strain from squinting in bright sunlight.

For more information, check out our other blog post on prescription sunglasses here

Visit Visionary Eye Center For The Best Reno Eye Care

Be sure to visit your eye specialist once a year to stay up on your eye health and catch any issues early. It’s never been a better time to make an appointment with the team at Visionary Eye Center to get the perfect pair of prescription sunglasses for your summer adventures. Shop our collection from the comfort of your own home at our online store.

Our Reno eye care facility is one of the best in preventing photokeratitis in our patients. 

Schedule an Exam with an Eye Doctor in Reno

Here at Visionary Eye Center, we treat plenty of patients with blepharitis, so you aren’t alone. An estimated 82 million Americans have been diagnosed with the eyelid disease. As eye doctors in Reno with decades of experience, we strive to make sure that our patients understand the cause of blepharitis: simply just an abundance of bacteria near the eyelids. 

Because the disease contributes to dry eye syndrome, it leads to other symptoms like itching, a gritty feeling in the eyes, eyelid crusting that looks like dandruff, and red, swollen eyes. In addition to serious discomfort, blepharitis can negatively affect those scheduled or in the process for cataract or LASIK refractive surgeries. If left untreated, blepharitis can cause patients to experience chronic red-eyes, styes, or damage to their corneas. 

There are two different types of blepharitis: posterior and anterior. Posterior blepharitis is usually caused by inflammatory conditions like rosacea. Anterior blepharitis is typically caused by microbes like Staphylococcus bacteria (which causes staph infections) and Demodex mites. 

What Are The Treatments for Demodex Mites?

Demodex are mites that live on skin and thrive in hair and lash follicles. Younger children or the elderly are more likely to have an abundance of mites. Demodex mites’ average lifespan is estimated to be several weeks, but that is enough time to cause serious cases of blepharitis. They cause irritation with burrowing and laying eggs, and producing small amounts of waste products which feeds further bacterial growth.

Treatment for blepharitis is possible. One common option for Reno optometrists to utilize is ZEST, or Zocular Eyelid System Treatments. It works by gently exfoliating the eyelids to restore the natural state and cleans the eyelid margins to open up the meibomian gland. ZEST ensures the glands can release oils into the eye to create a healthy tear film and reduce symptoms of dry eye, all while providing thorough treatment for blepharitis and other potential diseases. This natural procedure is completed in about ten minutes and helps solve crusting around the eye. 

Blepharitis can damage the meibomian glands along the edge of the eyelid where the eyelashes are.  These glands create oil needed for tears. The oily layer is the outside of the tear that prevents them from drying too quickly. A number of eye issues can involve these glands, and for more information on additional treatments and procedures, head to our informational page on dry eye syndrome. 

Schedule an Appointment with a Reno Eye Doctor 

It is not too late to seek out treatment for Demodex mites on your lids or blepharitis. With a variety of eye care methods, including the use of ZEST, the team here at Visionary Eye Center can relieve your eye concerns. Book an appointment today with the best Reno optometrists in the city.  


Keratoconus may not be a familiar word for many people, but the disease affects a large number of eye care patients. Keratoconus (KCN) is a progressive eye disease that causes complications with the cornea. It results in vision problems that range from mild to severe and will likely require some form of corrective methods to improve the person’s ability to see.   

Through years of research, professionals have been able to determine generally how many people have keratoconus, and the results are surprising. Since a 2017 study performed by Dr. Daniel Godefrooij, it was found that KCN affects roughly 5-10 times more patients than the original findings suggested. Let’s take a deeper dive into what keratoconus is below.


What is Keratoconus?

As stated above, keratoconus is a progressive eye disease that can impair a person’s vision and significantly affect the cornea. For patients with keratoconus, the cornea in one or both eyes becomes thin and scars in the center. Specifically, keratoconus involves the central portion of the cornea, which affects a large portion of the eye. The result is a noticeably protruding cornea that has an irregular conical shape followed by poor eyesight.  

It’s typical for keratoconus to become present during puberty, or a person’s teen years, and worsens or progresses over time. By the 5th or 6th decade of life the disease will stabilize, but typically a patient with keratoconus will experience irregular astigmatism or scarring that might not be treatable by corrective lenses alone. In the worst cases, a patient may require a corrective procedure known as a corneal transplant.

How many people have Keratoconus?

Originally, research done in part by NKCF (National Keratoconus Foundation) suggested that 1 in 2,000 people were diagnosed with KCN. Years later in 2017, these numbers were questioned by Dr. Daniel Godefrooij who determined that these rates are significantly higher than what was traditionally found. When determining how many people have keratoconus, LASIK (laser in situ keratomileuses) eye surgery played a critical role. 

LASIK is a popular method of vision correction that uses lasers to correct the refraction of eye lenses for patients suffering from myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. With the increased popularity of LASIK therapy came the realization that keratoconus affects more people than had been previously reported.  

Today, Dr. Daniel Godefrooij reports the ratio of people suffering from KCN being 1 in 375. That’s more than 5 times as many people as researchers had originally found. 

Symptoms of Keratoconus

The cause of KCN is still mostly undetermined, but the development and progression of the disease have been heavily studied over time. Some research has suggested that chronic rubbing of the eyes may contribute to and possibly expedite the overall progression of the eye disease. The most common symptoms of keratoconus to be aware of include:

Treatments for Keratoconus 

The plan of treatment for keratoconus will depend on the severity of the patient’s condition. Of utmost importance is early detection, as a recently FDA approved treatment called corneal cross-linking is now available to stabilize the condition.  Mild KCN may be treated with the use of corrective lenses, such as eyeglasses or contact lenses. Moderate cases will likely require specialty contact lenses like gas permeable (GP), hybrids or scleral lenses to provide acceptable vision.  However, severe forms of KCN may require more aggressive treatment methods such as a corneal transplant or Intacs Corneal Implants. 

Keratoconus treatment focuses primarily on slowing the progression of the disease and improving vision. Essentially, there are three types of treatment to help with KCN symptoms which consist of corrective lenses, therapy, or surgery.

Schedule an Eye Exam with Your Optometrist 

If you’ve been experiencing vision problems, it’s important to meet with your Reno optometrist to properly diagnose the issue at hand. You may be suffering from keratoconus and not even realize it. A licensed, trained optometrist can evaluate your vision problems, assess your eye health, and provide an effective method of treatment. 

It may be necessary to consider eye surgery and specialty contact lenses to correct your vision problems caused by keratoconus. Dr. Bolenbaker at the Visionary Eye Center can help to develop a unique treatment plan that’s designed to suit your eye care needs.  

If you are a driver who also wears glasses, you’ve probably struggled to decide between which pair of glasses to put on in the car. Either way, you’re hindering your vision one way or the other. By not wearing your eyeglasses, you likely won’t be able to see near or far away depending on your eye condition. But not wearing sunglasses could mean being blinded by the harsh UV rays of the sun. The best option is to get yourself a pair of prescription sunglasses, that way you can achieve optimal vision. 

When it comes to prescription sunglasses, there are many varying types to choose from. One of our favorites is the polarized sunglass lens that provides added protection to your eyes in harsh sunlight. Learn more about prescription sunglasses and polarized lenses below.

The Importance of Protecting Your Eyes with Prescription Sunglasses

Many patients are unaware of just how damaging UV rays can be on their eyes and do very little to protect them from mild or harsh sunlight. Even if there is cloud coverage in the sky, UV rays can still negatively affect your eyes. UV-A rays typically lead to problems with central vision and the macula which is part of the retina. UV-B rays are also damaging, mostly affecting the cornea and lens. Extended exposure to these harmful rays can lead to more serious eye conditions including:

Are prescription sunglasses worth the purchase? 

Though many people are hesitant to spend the money on purchasing a second pair of glasses by buying prescription sunglasses, those who have are sure glad they did. Prescription sunglasses provide much-needed sight assistance even in high-light situations. When you’re driving down the street or taking your dog for a walk and the sun is glaring in your eyes, your regular prescription glasses will do very little to help you see. Likewise, wearing sunglasses with no prescription leaves you with very little vision. Prescription sunglasses, however, block out the sun while providing the same sight assistance as your glasses. 

Prescription sunglasses can also help with light sensitivity, glare-related headaches, and regular eye strain from squinting in the sun.  And if you’re worried about crow's feet, not squinting all the time from either harsh sunlight or blurry vision can help reduce those lines around your eyes. 

What are polarized sunglasses?

First, it is important to note that not all sunglasses are polarized. While all sunglasses are designed to limit UV rays from penetrating through the lenses and limit glare, some are much more effective than others. 

To understand how polarized sunglasses work, you need to know how light is reflected. Most sunlight that reaches our eyes is dispersed and scattered due to the fact that it often reflects off of uneven surfaces such as trees and roads. However, when sunlight is reflected from a smooth, shiny surface like the hood of a car, Lake Tahoe or a phone screen, the light is reflected in just one direction. The dispersed light is much less bothersome and damaging, while light that is directly reflecting into your eyes is more troublesome. 

Polarized sunglasses are manufactured in a unique way that creates a different pattern within the lens that is able to block out more light than typical prescription sunglasses. A special film is laminated in between the lens surfaces in a vertical pattern. This helps block light and eliminate polarized glare entirely.  

Benefits of Prescription Sunglasses and Polarized Lenses

There are many advantages to wearing prescription sunglasses, especially with polarized lenses. Polarized lenses provide clearer vision in bright light, increases contrast, offer minimal color distortion, and reduces glare, reflection, and eye strain. And, the polarization is built directly into the lens, leaving a seamless finish for flawless vision. For anyone who spends time outdoors, polarized lenses will provide the best UV protection for your eyes.  

Prescription Sunglasses from Visionary Eye Center

When it comes to eye protection, eyeglasses and sunglasses are essential. With prescription sunglasses, you never have to worry about choosing which pair of glasses to put on again. 

Visionary Eye Center is your home for custom vision solutions, and we take pride in offering top-tier care for each patient. We want our patients and community to be well informed to make the best health decisions for you and your family. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any general inquiries or concerns, or schedule an appointment for an eye exam!


Vision problems can be a huge distraction in your daily life, making even casual tasks such as driving extremely difficult. One common vision problem that patients may experience is night blindness. You may be asking yourself, "what is night blindness?" and you're not alone. Someone with night blindness will have difficulty seeing in dark environments, which is especially noticeable when driving at night. Night blindness can be dangerous in some situations, so it’s critical that you get the help you need to alleviate your symptoms and get your eye health back on track. 

For more information about night blindness, read the article below or contact our Reno optometrists today. 


what is night blindnessWhat is night blindness?

Night blindness, professionally known as nyctalopia, affects your ability to see at night or in poor lighting conditions. Although many people believe night blindness is an eye condition/disease all of its own, this actually isn’t true. Night blindness is the result of an underlying health issue such as cataracts, diabetes, or myopia. It’s also important to note that night blindness does not result in actual blindness but does lead to impaired vision in dark environments. 

Night blindness often presents itself when transitioning from a well-lit area to a dark, poorly-lit environment. Our eyes naturally adjust and adapt to changes in light, but those with nyctalopia are typically unable to do this, resulting in poor visibility. If you have difficulty driving at night due to lousy vision or struggle to see in dark restaurants, movie theaters, etc., then you likely suffer from night blindness. However, many types of night blindness are treatable and symptoms often subside once the underlying issue has been resolved.   

What causes night blindness?

There are several possible causes of night blindness including:

night blindnessSymptoms:

The most common symptom of night blindness is experiencing poor vision in dimly lit or dark environments. However, this isn’t the only symptom that may present itself in those with nyctalopia. Other symptoms include:

How is night blindness treated?

Not all forms of night blindness can be treated, but a majority of them can be managed or remedied in some way. The treatment for your night blindness will vary depending on the cause of your condition. For example, if your night blindness is caused by myopia or nearsightedness, then new glasses or contact lens prescription may be recommended to alleviate your symptoms. And if your night blindness is caused by cataracts, surgery may be the only option for relief. 

Other night blindness treatments may include a change in glaucoma medication or a visit with a retinal specialist. To determine your best course of action, it’s essential to visit your Reno eye doctor. They’ll be able to diagnose the cause of your night blindness and will provide the best treatment plan based specifically on your needs. 

night blindnessSee how you can prevent night blindness

Although some night blindness may be the result of a genetic disposition, other forms of nyctalopia may be prevented with some simple lifestyle changes. Try making these easy changes in your everyday life to help prevent the onset of night blindness:

Visit Your Reno Optometrist Today

Here, at the Visionary Eye Center, we strive for customized eye care solutions for all of our patients in the Reno-Sparks area. As each patients’ needs are unique, your treatment plan should be unique to you as well. We’ll work with you to determine the underlying cause of your night blindness to develop a solution that addresses your symptoms and treats your vision problems. 

Our office uses the latest diagnostic technology and treatment solutions so you can receive cutting-edge options and not the bulk products that are found in other optometrists’ offices. Contact us today to get started with your personalized eye treatment. We look forward to meeting you!

Children and infants aren’t exempt from experiencing vision problems. Like adults, children can suffer from a variety of eye conditions including amblyopia, strabismus, and refractive errors such as nearsightedness and farsightedness. Genetic diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts may also affect children at a very young age. Thankfully, with regular vision checks, your child’s eyesight difficulties can be detected and treated early on. Start by learning the signs of vision problems in babies and children so you and your pediatrician can refer to an optometrist and rectify the situation before it gets out of control. 

Myopia Treatment Reno

Common Ages to Have Your Child’s Vision Examined 

Eye exams should be done by your optometrist regularly. Unfortunately, pediatrician screenings aren’t designed to detect the subtle signs of early disease or vision problems. So, just like it is important to have your child see the dentist early, so too is it important to bring your child to an eye care professional at the following ages even if nothing seems wrong:

All children who wear glasses should have their vision checked yearly at their annual checkups. At these appointments, it will be determined how the vision problems are progressing and new glasses or contact lenses will be prescribed if necessary. 

How to Spot Eye Problems in Your Child

Vision problems may appear at any point in a child’s life. Many of the signs of vision problems in babies and children will be easy to spot, but some may go unnoticed if not closely monitored. If you notice any of the following signs or symptoms in your child, be sure to connect with your optometrist to see if further action should be taken:

Some vision problems may have no symptoms at all. Commonly, amblyopia (lazy eye) provides no obvious warning signs, which is why it’s so important to have your child’s eyes checked regularly. Tests can be done to determine if an eye condition is present or developing. Catching these signs early on is critical as it can help prevent your child from suffering chronic vision problems. 

When to Seek Help from a Reno Optometrist

Visit The Visionary Eye Center

If you are concerned about your child’s eye health, or if you’re still wondering what are the warning signs of vision problems in babies and children, don’t hesitate to schedule them an appointment with an optometrist. Here at the Visionary Eye Center, we are equipped to offer pediatric eye care with the best options, treatment, and technology available. 

We have developed techniques and technology specifically for children of all ages. When it comes to your child’s eye health, being proactive is essential. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns about your child’s vision, and don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with us today! Visionary Eye Center is your home for custom vision solutions, and we take pride in offering top-tier care for each patient.


Many people will experience a migraine from time to time. In fact, an estimated 1 billion people across the world suffer from migraines. However, the headaches and migraines that are associated with vision or cause vision problems, are rarely typical. If you’re prone to migraines and headaches that cause vision impairment or even vision loss, you may be suffering from an ocular migraine. You may be wondering “what is an ocular migraine?” and you’re not alone. They’re often misunderstood or misdiagnosed as a different type of headache or eye condition which leaves many confused about what issue they are being affected by. 

Learn more about what an ocular migraine is below, along with noticeable symptoms, possible treatments, and prevention methods of this eye condition. 

eye symptoms you should never ignoreWhat is an Ocular Migraine?

An ocular migraine is defined as being a rare condition that affects your vision in one eye. This type of migraine is characterized by temporary loss of vision or even blindness in just one eye, not both, and vision typically returns to normal within an hour. These migraines may be painless for some people or may be accompanied by pain from a migraine headache. Though ocular migraines often cause impaired vision in one eye, their effects may differ from patient to patient. 

Ocular migraines are often confused with a much more common condition called migraine aura that usually affects both eyes rather than just one. It has been determined that ocular migraines are most likely caused by reduced blood flow or spasms of blood vessels behind the eye. Changes that occur across the nerve cells in the retina may also lead to an ocular migraine. 

Diagnosing Ocular Migraines

It’s important to note that regular migraine headaches can cause vision problems such as blind spots and flashes of light, which are not related to an ocular migraine. The biggest difference between the two conditions is that an ocular migraine causes vision loss in just one eye, while a regular migraine results in impaired vision in both eyes. When visiting your Reno optometrist, the doctor will first begin ruling out conditions that present similar symptoms to ocular migraines. These may include:

Symptoms of an Ocular Migraine

There are several telling symptoms of an ocular migraine, however, these can sometimes be difficult to determine on your own. Fortunately, a qualified, licensed optometrist can help you better assess your symptoms and provide appropriate care in return. Be sure to observe symptoms such as:

Ocular Migraine Treatment

Because of the transience of this condition, treatment is often not necessary during the time of the occurrence. The vision loss that you experience should subside within an hour, but it is important to take a few precautionary measures to prevent further injury or discomfort during an episode. Once you notice the vision loss, you should stop whatever you’re doing and rest your eyes until your vision appears normal. If your vision problems are accompanied by a headache, take an over-the-counter pain reliever to help alleviate the discomfort. 

Other methods of treatment may include medications or medical devices that are intended to limit or prevent the ocular migraines from happening altogether. Medications that are commonly prescribed to treat epilepsy have proven to be an effective treatment for ocular migraines. These include valproic acid and topiramate. Other medications that may be effective are CGRP inhibitors, blood pressure medicines (such as beta-blockers), and tricyclic antidepressants. 

How to Prevent Ocular Migraines from Developing

Fortunately, there are some simple lifestyle changes you can take to prevent an oncoming ocular migraine that have proven to be quite effective. Like traditional migraines, ocular migraines can be triggered by a number of different factors. To prevent a debilitating ocular migraine from occurring, try to avoid the following to the best of your ability: 

myopia controlVisit Your Reno Optometrist 

Ocular migraines are quite rare, and the symptoms are often caused by other underlying problems. To determine the true source of your complications, be sure to meet with the Reno optometrists at Visionary Eye Center. Their team of dedicated, professional optical specialists will be able to help you with your vision problems and provide effective solutions and care to help you feel better. Connect with the experts at Visionary Eye Center today!

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